All online gatherings, classes and events are listed below.

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This Sunday, Oct. 4th at 11 a.m.

Musical Preludes begin at 10:50 a.m. with musical guests: Beverley Elliott and Chris Nowland 

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About the talk:
Practice makes perfect! How often have we heard it? Practice is essential, and through it, we hone our skills and expand our capacities. Yet practice alone is not sufficient, especially in spiritual life. We have to perform. Imagine a musician who only ever practiced, and became expert in the art, but never gave a performance. No one would ever hear the beautiful music.

We develop our spiritual practice, not for its own sake, not even for our own ‘enlightenment,’ but in order to perform. We are not here for ourselves, but for others. Our spiritual performance does not have to be some grand project applauded by the world; it simply needs to be the genuine selfless service that our hearts are called to give. We must each find the arena in which we are called to serve, and perform our spiritual practices there. An imperfect spiritual performance that serves others is better than a perfected spiritual practice for ourselves. As Evelyn Underhill has observed, the greatest of human beings are those who go back and forth—between the mountain top (to practice), and then back into the valleys (to perform, in service).

Join us on October 4th to explore: How are you called to perform?

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New to Unity?

Curious what it's all about? Attending a Sunday Gathering online (during Covid), or a weeknight online class will give you a feel for the modern non-judgemental approach we take to spiritual connection and growth. 

If you have any questions, email us at:   

We're happy to help you find your way around.

Online evening classes...

Dr. William Keepin and Rev. Cynthia Brix
Monday evenings
Sep. 21 to Oct. 12, 2020
6 – 8 p.m. PDT

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The Universal Divine Feminine
Across the Major World Religions — Part II
All are welcome to join this course. You do not need to have attended Part I of this series to attend Part II.

Please join us to continue this inter-traditional exploration of the Divine Feminine across the major world religions.  In this course we will explore inspiring innovations of the Kaballah and Zohar in mystical Judaism, the recently discovered Gnostic gospels of early Christianity, the pioneering contributions of Russian sophiology, and the liberating insights of Islamic masters such as Ibn Arabi.  We will also explore the Divine Feminine in the Indic traditions, and the relationship to Western conceptions, showing remarkable parallels across these traditions.

Coming soon...

Starting October 7th

A online course with master teacher Brother Bob Trask

Based on Dr. Joe Dispenza's N.Y. Times bestselling book. 

Starts Wednesday, October 7th at 7 p.m.

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Featured Book:

You Are the Placebo

by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe Dispenza is a scientist, spiritual master and bestselling author. His latest book, You Are the Placebo is filled with miracle stories and scientific evidence that your mind can and will heal your body. In this seminar, led by internationally acclaimed thinker and author, Bob Trask, we follow Dr. Joe’s book as we each discover the healing power of our minds and use that power to create younger, more robust, and healthier lives.

Our First Class is Wednesday, October 7 from 7-9 pm

This is a transformational 12-week course delivered via 3—4-week series, with 2 week breaks between each series.

Don't miss this incredible growth opportunity.

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This Wednesday
“Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch “Luke 5:4

It is said that no two snowflakes are alike. Each of these six-pointed clusters of ice crystals is made up of beautifully branched columns & irregular forms. Each has its own unique expression. Like a snowflake we are made of GOD as an individualised expression of the divine. Each individual has qualities talents & strengths that are here to be expanded. Your prosperous nature is vibrating in the sphere of GOD. 

Join us & deepen your awareness of the specialized YOU.

About the Quest
The Quest is a series of lessons designed to deepen your incredible lightness of being and your quality of life. Living in love, on purpose, and with passion. The Quest Represents something deep within us that is etched in our soul. The story of this Quest is yours and is an ancient theme part of the heritage of all humanity. Every era of history in and in every culture, people have created and cherished the story of the hero or heroine whose life is transformed by traveling on a special journey. Every heart that beats feels it. The Quest is a process of remembering the truths that have been hidden in your mind. It is the next evolution of your soul which spirals ever upward in the rediscovery of its spiritual self.  It is a journey that can transform your life far beyond any good that you can now envision.

You are the champion of your own Quest!

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Meditation and Prayerful Reflection
Creating an Inner Net of the Heart 
Monday thru Saturday, live-online, we gather for quiet reflection, silent meditation and prayerful connection.  

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